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CST-101 Custom Design Electric Guitar Kit ( 2025-02-22 )

CST-101 Custom Design Electric Guitar Kit ( 2025-02-22 )

Regular price $275.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $275.00 USD
Sale Sold out
CST-101 custom electric guitar kit
- 2 P90 Routes instead of 2 humbucker routes. Regular P90's, not dogears.
- A maple neck like in the PLP-619, but with binding like in the CST-101 kit.
- Control cavity routed, but no holes drilled through the top for the volume and tone knobs.
- light weight wood--we can use Paulownia wood then, the lightest wood we have
- Body top with binding as CST-101 kit, no binding on the back of the body

Options if unsatisfied:
▸ Remake with priority scheduling
▸ Full refund within 24 hours

The building time is about 90 days
Once this guitar kit ready, we will take some photos, so that you can check every detail.

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